Solving water resource problems...

...with keen insights, focused analyses and strategic data gathering.

urban and agricultural stormwater runoff monitoring and treatment

surface water, groundwater, watershed and springshed assessments

Design of Wetlands And Other Engineered Ecological Treatment Systems


…dedicated to solving our clients’ water resources challenges. Founded in Rockledge, FL in 1990, DBE’s original focus was on harnessing the unique biogeochemical attributes of wetlands for water treatment.

We now provide scientific characterization, protection, and improvement of aquatic systems and associated watersheds at locations throughout the world.

Data Analysis: We dive deeper into the data, combining cutting-edge data visualization, modeling, GIS and statistical tools with our expertise in biogeochemical and ecological fundamentals to provide clients with greater understanding of their aquatic systems.

Field Work: Our field program reflects three decades of experience. We provide routine monitoring and diagnostic sampling of surface water, soil, vegetation and biological matrices in wetlands, springs, lakes, streams and canals. Our field scientists design and implement applied research experiments in the field and in the laboratory.

Environmental Laboratory: Our commercial laboratory specializes in low-level nutrient analysis in waters, sediments and plants. We are also uniquely experienced and equipped to conduct applied experiments and novel approaches typically only found in academic laboratories, such as sediment nutrient flux incubations, chemical coagulant jar tests, and custom-designed biological assays, conducted with the highest standards for data quality expected from a NELAP-certified laboratory.

Our skilled and engaged team specializes in strategic data gathering and advanced data analysis, which coupled with our experience-based insights, enable us to provide high-level support and science-based solutions to our clients’ technical and regulatory challenges.

Expertise & Focus Areas

Critical and innovative thinking

Critical and innovative thinking is the foundation of our company’s expertise. Our scientists have 100+ refereed publications, and 11 patents on water treatment technologies. Our core areas of expertise include:

-Biogeochemical cycling in waters, soils, sediments, and plants
-Modeling and statistical analyses
-Ecologically-engineered water treatment systems
-Biological, chemical and physical water and wastewater treatment technologies
-Aquatic ecology
-Aquatic system hydraulics and hydrology

Our Project Focus Areas:

-Assessing and enhancing aquatic systems and associated watersheds.
-Evaluation and optimization of surface water and wastewater treatment technologies
-Assessing and mitigating environmental impacts of stormwater runoff and domestic and agricultural wastewaters
-Optimizing health and aesthetics of highly-managed water features
-Watershed (regional)-scale water treatment technologies and best management practices

Why are we  unique?

Our focus is the Science of Water: natural waters, watersheds, man-made water features, and water treatment systems.

Our team excels at assisting clients with concisely framing their water-related issues and concerns, extracting useful insights from existing environmental data, and designing and implementing focused data gathering efforts. This approach enables us to accelerate and magnify the data analysis effort, leading to practical, cost-effective solutions.

"Anyone who can solve the problems of water will be worthy of two Nobel prizes – one for peace and one for science"



Corporate Headquarters
Rockledge, Florida

North Florida Office
Gainesville, Florida

South Florida Office
West Palm Beach, Florida